Charities we support
Welcome to the home of,
yarm motorcycle Club
If you are looking to find a friendly group of safe riders who ride on a regular basis get in touch. We were formed by a small group of friends in1994, and are still going strong. We focus on safe riding and we also ride for charities that are near and dear to our hearts. Come to a meeting and check us out. Feel free to email us with any questions you may have.
what we do
Ride outs
Yarm Motorcycle Club ride every Sunday between March and October which is suitable for all types of bikes and speeds. Ride-outs range from a day out to long weekends and european travel.
Come along to our monthly meetings at The Cleveland Bay in Yarm and you'll meet like minded motorcycle enthusiasts with a range of interests, from off road riding to road racing and everything in between.
The club supports a number of charities including The Great North Air Ambulance and Zoe’s Place in conjunction with The Boundary 500 Group.
Meet the comtittee